Curling Scores

M: Viterra Championship
Portage la Prairie, MB
Teams | Scores | Standings | Playoffs
Draw: CF -- Sun, Feb 9 -- 2:30pm CT
Calvert Final
Carruthers (10) WATCH on Youtube: Curl Manitoba
W: ZEH-NOH Japan Curling Championship
Yokohama, JPN
Teams | Scores | Standings | Playoffs
Draw: CF -- Sun, Feb 9 -- 12:30am ET
Tabata Final
Yoshimura (EE)
M: ZEH-NOH Japan Curling Championship
Yokohama, JPN
Teams | Scores | Standings | Playoffs
Draw: CF -- Sat, Feb 8 -- 8:00pm ET
Maeda Final
Yanagisawa (10)
W: Swiss Curling Championships
Bern, SUI
Teams | Scores | Standings | Playoffs
Draw: CF3 -- Sat, Feb 8 -- 4:00pm CET
Schwaller Final
Huerlimann (10)
M: Swiss Curling Championships
Bern, SUI
Teams | Scores | Standings | Playoffs
Draw: CF2 -- Sat, Feb 8 -- 9:30am CET
Schwaller Final
Hoesli (9)
W: Hardie Engineering Scottish Curling Women's Championships
Dumfries, SCO
Teams | Scores | Standings | Playoffs
Draw: CF -- Fri, Feb 7 -- 7:00pm GMT
Henderson 10  Final
Morrison (8)
M: 5U USA National Qualifier - Mapleton Heather
Mapleton, MN
Teams | Scores | Standings | Playoffs
Draw: SF -- Sat, Feb 8 -- 7:00pm CT
Voissem Final
Mack (8)
Despins Final
Sewell (1)
: CYCA Ray Kingsmith Memorial Bonspiel
Airdrie, AB
Teams | Scores | Standings | Playoffs
Draw: CF -- Sun, Feb 9 -- 12:30pm MT
Deschiffart Final
Yurko (6)
: CYCA Ray Kingsmith Memorial Bonspiel
Airdrie, AB
Teams | Scores | Standings | Playoffs
Draw: CF -- Sun, Feb 9 -- 12:30pm MT
Eriksson Final
Hlushak 12  (6)
Full Scoreboard  |  Play Fantasy Pick'em!  


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Games: 41  
Record: 19W - 22L  
PF/G: 7.42  
PA/G: 7.94  
Hammer Efficiency: 0.32  
Steal Defense: 0.31  
Force Efficiency: 0.43  
Steal Efficiency: 0.34  
Mother Club Fall Curling Classic Winnipeg, Manitoba  
RESULT: DNQ Sep 19 - 22, 2024  
 Draw Team Game Watch
  1 vs. Forrester (MB) - WTR:176 L 2-9
  3 vs. Peters (MB) - WTR:61 L 3-6
  7 vs. Sampson (MN) - WTR:45 L 1-8Watch Live Curling!
  9 vs. Dick (MB) - WTR:256 W 7-3
Curling Stadium Martensville SaskTour Series Martensville, Saskatchewan  
RESULT: DNQ Sep 27 - 29, 2024  
 Draw Team Game Watch
  1 vs. Tessier (SK) - WTR:215 W 10-2Watch Live Curling!
  3 vs. Thomas (SK) - WTR:124 L 3-8Watch Live Curling!
  7 vs. Gamble (SK) - WTR:194 W 9-7Watch Live Curling!
  9 vs. Jacobson (SK) - WTR:93 W 7-2Watch Live Curling!
  QF vs. Knapp (SK) - WTR:45 L 6-7Watch Live Curling!
Regina Highland SaskTour Spiel Regina, Saskatchewan  
RESULT: DNQ Oct 11 - 14, 2024  
 Draw Team Game Watch
  2 vs. Gamble (SK) - WTR:218 W 5-2
  4 vs. Kalthoff (SK) - WTR:55 W 7-5
  8 vs. Thomas (SK) - WTR:113 L 0-6
  10 vs. Bryden (SK) - WTR:193 L 0-7
  11 vs. Vollman (SK) - WTR:265 W 5-4
  QF vs. Knapp (SK) - WTR:44 L 4-7
Dave Jones Stanhope Simpson Insurance Mayflower Cashspiel Halifax, Nova Scotia  
RESULT: DNQ Oct 24 - 27, 2024  
 Draw Team Game Watch
  3 vs. MacIssac (NS) - WTR:184 W 9-4
  4 vs. Manuel (NS) - WTR:63 L 5-7
  7 vs. MacDougall (NS) - WTR:185 W 9-0
  8 vs. Purcell (NS) - WTR:33 W 7-6
  QF vs. Comeau (NB) - WTR:167 L 6-7
Nutana SaskTour Men's Spiel Saskatoon, Saskatchewan  
RESULT: DNQ Nov 1 - 3, 2024  
 Draw Team Game Watch
  1 vs. Bryden (SK) - WTR:97 L 5-6
  3 vs. Korte (SK) - WTR:163 L 2-9
  5 vs. Tessier (SK) - WTR:253 L 4-6
Scott Comfort RE/MAX Blue Chip Tour Spiel Wadena, Saskatchewan  
RESULT: DNQ Nov 15 - 17, 2024  
 Draw Team Game Watch
  1 vs. Woloschuk (SK) - WTR:297 W 8-5
  3 vs. Moser (SK) - WTR:74 W 7-0
  6 vs. Jacobson (SK) - WTR:78 W 7-1
  QF vs. deConinck Smith (SK) - WTR:186 W 7-6
  SF vs. Jacobson (SK) - WTR:78 W 7-6
  CF vs. Knapp (SK) - WTR:46 L 6-7
Saville U25 Challenge Edmonton, Alberta  
RESULT: DNQ Nov 22 - 24, 2024  
 Draw Team Game Watch
  2 vs. MacDonald (AB) - WTR:236 W 7-3Watch Live Curling!
  3 vs. Davies (AB) - WTR:168 L 2-8Watch Live Curling!
  4 vs. Kiist (AB) - WTR:219 L 2-10Watch Live Curling!
  5 vs. MacDonald (AB) - WTR:236 L 6-9Watch Live Curling!
Sask Curling Tour - Yorkton Yorkton, Saskatchewan  
RESULT: DNQ Nov 29 - Dec 1, 2024  
 Draw Team Game Watch
  1 vs. Woloschuk (SK) - WTR:341 L 4-5
  2 vs. Snow (SK) - WTR:254 L 7-9
  3 vs. Bryden (SK) - WTR:101 L 4-5
S3 Group Curling Stadium Series Swift Current, Saskatchewan  
RESULT: DNQ Dec 6 - 8, 2024  
 Draw Team Game Watch
  2 vs. Carss (SK) - WTR:110 W 5-3Watch Live Curling!
  4 vs. Ross (SK) - WTR:311 W 9-4Watch Live Curling!
  8 vs. Knapp (SK) - WTR:47 L 1-7Watch Live Curling!
  QF vs. Rumpel (SK) - WTR:406 W 7-5Watch Live Curling!
  SF vs. Laycock (SK) - WTR:73 L 1-7Watch Live Curling!
Astec Safety Challenge Lloydminster, Alberta  
RESULT: DNQ Jan 8 - 11, 2025  
 Draw Team Game Watch
  1 vs. McEwen (SK) - WTR:6 L 1-10Watch Live Curling!
  3 vs. Edin (SWE) - WTR:10 L 2-10
  7 vs. Tao (AB) - WTR:67 L 2-6
SaskTel Tankard Kindersley, Saskatchewan  
RESULT: DNQ Jan 21 - 26, 2025  
 Draw Team Game Watch
  M1 vs. Laycock (SK) - WTR:69 L 2-10
  M2 vs. Knapp (SK) - WTR:45 L 6-8
  M3 vs. Jacobson (SK) - WTR:85 L 3-8
  M4 vs. Moser (SK) - WTR:80 W 8-6
  M5 vs. Kalthoff (SK) - WTR:47 L 3-5
  M6 vs. Kleiter (SK) - WTR:18 L 4-8
  M7 vs. Derksen (SK) - WTR:129 W 7-4
  M8 vs. Thomas (SK) - WTR:74 L 5-7

Curling Scores

M: Viterra Championship
Portage la Prairie, MB
Teams | Scores | Standings | Playoffs
Draw: CF -- Sun, Feb 9 -- 2:30pm CT
Calvert Final
Carruthers (10) WATCH on Youtube: Curl Manitoba
W: ZEH-NOH Japan Curling Championship
Yokohama, JPN
Teams | Scores | Standings | Playoffs
Draw: CF -- Sat, Feb 8 -- 11:30pm CT
Tabata Final
Yoshimura (EE)
M: ZEH-NOH Japan Curling Championship
Yokohama, JPN
Teams | Scores | Standings | Playoffs
Draw: CF -- Sat, Feb 8 -- 7:00pm CT
Maeda Final
Yanagisawa (10)
W: Swiss Curling Championships
Bern, SUI
Teams | Scores | Standings | Playoffs
Draw: CF3 -- Sat, Feb 8 -- 4:00pm CET
Schwaller Final
Huerlimann (10)
M: Swiss Curling Championships
Bern, SUI
Teams | Scores | Standings | Playoffs
Draw: CF2 -- Sat, Feb 8 -- 9:30am CET
Schwaller Final
Hoesli (9)
M: 5U USA National Qualifier - Mapleton Heather
Mapleton, MN
Teams | Scores | Standings | Playoffs
Draw: SF -- Sat, Feb 8 -- 7:00pm CT
Voissem Final
Mack (8)
Despins Final
Sewell (1)
: CYCA Ray Kingsmith Memorial Bonspiel
Airdrie, AB
Teams | Scores | Standings | Playoffs
Draw: CF -- Sun, Feb 9 -- 12:30pm MT
Deschiffart Final
Yurko (6)
: CYCA Ray Kingsmith Memorial Bonspiel
Airdrie, AB
Teams | Scores | Standings | Playoffs
Draw: CF -- Sun, Feb 9 -- 12:30pm MT
Eriksson Final
Hlushak 12  (6)
Full Scoreboard  |  Play Fantasy Pick'em!  

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Cameron Wins Manitoba Title

Cameron Wins Manitoba Title

Kate Cameron (photo: CurlManitoba) will return to the Scotties again after defeating Winnipeg's Beth Peterson 7-6 in the RME Women of the Rings Manitoba Provincial Final.

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