Rank Team SFM Value OOM Points
25.  Gray-Withers, Serena 0.250 122.625
110.  Bowles, Emily 0.050 17.875
121.  Croisier, Bella 0.050 14.625
141.  Warriner, Maddy 0.050 9.703
143.  Evans, Celia 0.050 9.227
301.  MacNutt, Allyson 0.010 0.375
333.  Wynter, Olivia 0.010 0.188
334.  Campbell, Jenna 0.01 0.000
Teams Total: 0.480
Teams Factor: 0.750
Teams Scale: 3.000
Importance Factor: 1.000
Field SFM: 1.000
Strength of Field: 1.000
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