Rank Team SFM Value OOM Points
32.  Anderson/Stopera 0.200 69.250
60.  Persinger/Casper 0.150 37.500
62.  Farrell/Thurston 0.150 35.750
71.  Moores/Wheeler 0.150 29.064
74.  Nickel/Nickel 0.150 26.438
102.  Rhyme/Smith 0.050 12.750
110.  Scebbi/Scebbi 0.050 10.876
115.  Podoll/Parry 0.050 10.126
123.  McLaren/Mechenbier 0.050 8.626
157.  Fountain/Fountain 0.050 3.938
159.  Wood/Kot 0.050 3.938
160.  Ostrowski/Johnson 0.050 3.750
163.  Smith/Kizlyk 0.050 3.375
183.  Cagann/Sherry 0.050 1.500
184.  Carlson/Carlson 0.050 1.500
186.  Kawleski/Kauffman 0.050 1.500
208.  Kenney/Scimia 0.010 0.750
210.  Berg/Simon 0.010 0.658
220.  Bear/Oldenburg 0.01 0.000
220.  Danahey/Allain 0.01 0.000
220.  Farwell/Rose 0.01 0.000
220.  Senneker/Gleaton 0.01 0.000
220.  Sobering/Sobering 0.01 0.000
220.  Stopera/Stopera 0.01 0.000
220.  Weldon/Franey 0.01 0.000
Teams Total: 1.440
Purse Factor: 0.000
Teams Factor: 1.281
Teams Scale: 0.960
Importance Factor: 1.000
Strength of Field: 2.000
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