Rank Team SFM Value OOM Points
33.  Knapp, Kelly 0.200 114.031
46.  Kalthoff, Dustin 0.200 74.485
59.  Laycock, Steve 0.150 58.453
69.  Bernath, Daymond 0.150 48.016
126.  Bryden, Josh 0.050 18.375
139.  Springer, Garret 0.050 15.445
141.  Zuravloff, Brandon 0.050 14.860
155.  Drewitz, Matthew 0.050 12.352
187.  St. John, Jesse 0.050 6.750
193.  Ross, Brendan 0.050 5.962
Teams Total: 1.000
Purse Factor: 0.000
Teams Factor: 0.813
Teams Scale: 2.400
Importance Factor: 1.000
Strength of Field: 2.000
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