Rank Team SFM Value OOM Points
11.  Dropkin, Korey 0.350 213.498
18.  Shuster, John 0.280 157.509
33.  Casper, Daniel 0.200 111.698
49.  Dunnam, Scott 0.200 74.600
94.  Smith, Jason 0.150 40.261
98.  Sobering, Darryl 0.150 37.782
101.  Sampson, Ethan 0.100 35.128
133.  Fenson, Riley 0.100 22.187
Teams Total: 1.530
Teams Factor: 0.750
Teams Scale: 3.000
Importance Factor: 1.650
Field SFM: 5.500
Strength of Field: 5.500
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