Rank Team SFM Value OOM Points
4.  Lawes, Kaitlyn 0.420 267.279
26.  Watling, Kristy 0.250 90.743
41.  Ackland, Abby 0.200 60.594
47.  Peterson, Beth 0.200 51.207
53.  Anderson, Sarah 0.150 40.198
60.  McDonald, Kristy 0.150 34.183
76.  Strouse, Delaney 0.150 22.479
80.  Robertson, Darcy 0.150 20.934
91.  Workin, Rachel 0.150 15.680
102.  Lukowich, Katy 0.100 12.211
112.  Scheel, Miranda 0.100 7.795
123.  Varnes, Rhonda 0.100 4.054
146.  Beaudry, Grace 0.100 0.000
Teams Total: 2.220
Purse Factor: 0.000
Teams Factor: 0.906
Teams Scale: 1.846
Importance Factor: 1.000
Strength of Field: 3.500
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