Rank Team SFM Value OOM Points
18.  Dupont, Madeleine 0.280 121.625
44.  Huerlimann, Corrie 0.200 64.169
45.  Roervik, Marianne 0.200 63.709
60.  Schwaller, Xenia 0.150 39.177
65.  Mesloe, Eirin 0.150 34.938
66.  Blumberga, Santa 0.150 34.899
75.  Kanai, Asuka 0.150 25.175
101.  Kaldvee, Marie 0.100 14.659
102.  Blair, Lucy 0.100 14.313
Teams Total: 1.480
Purse Factor: 0.000
Teams Factor: 0.781
Teams Scale: 2.667
Importance Factor: 1.000
Strength of Field: 3.000
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