Rank Team SFM Value OOM Points
37.  Jeong, ByeongJin 0.200 104.255
102.  Karagoz, Ugurcan 0.100 32.916
163.  Verreycken, Timothy 0.100 16.337
201.  Retchless, Rob 0.050 9.628
256.  Dalle, Sebastiaan 0.050 4.500
335.  Ezsol, Gabor 0.050 1.561
366.  Hertman, Paweł 0.050 1.125
422.  Spits, Simon 0.050 0.245
439.  Odorizzi, Alessandro 0.050 0.000
Teams Total: 0.700
Purse Factor: 0.000
Teams Factor: 0.781
Teams Scale: 2.667
Importance Factor: 1.000
Strength of Field: 1.000
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