Rank Team SFM Value OOM Points
93.  Bernath, Daymond 0.150 39.837
125.  Purcell, Owen 0.100 27.959
126.  Mitchell, Scott 0.100 26.864
135.  Tao, Johnson 0.100 24.592
148.  Young, Nathan 0.100 18.366
160.  McDonald, Jordon 0.100 16.883
193.  Deane, Connor 0.100 10.457
295.  Nowlan, Josh 0.050 1.817
335.  MacMillan, Chase 0.050 0.829
350.  Patry, Raphael 0.050 0.429
369.  Burgess, Dallas 0.050 0.011
370.  Bowling, Jullian 0.050 0.000
Teams Total: 1.000
Purse Factor: 1.000
Teams Factor: 0.875
Teams Scale: 2.000
Importance Factor: 1.900
Strength of Field: 3.325
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