Rank Team SFM Value OOM Points
28.  Anderson, Sherry 0.250 61.008
44.  Howard, Ashley 0.200 32.689
56.  Mitchell, Jessica 0.150 21.645
79.  Orsted, Sherrilee 0.150 11.435
90.  Just, Sherry 0.150 7.689
110.  Barber, Brett 0.100 3.306
119.  Kleiter, Madison 0.100 1.804
138.  Swiderski, Jacquie 0.100 0.000
Teams Total: 1.200
Teams Factor: 0.750
Teams Scale: 3.000
Importance Factor: 1.000
Field SFM: 2.500
Strength of Field: 2.709
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