Rank Team SFM Value OOM Points
2.  Rupp/Wunderlin 0.440 273.483
3.  Perret/Rios 0.430 266.111
57.  Hueppi/Weiss 0.150 44.976
94.  Paetz/Michel 0.150 23.879
136.  Huerlimann/Schwaller 0.100 12.782
287.  Schori/Freiberger 0.050 1.498125
320.  Witschonke/Gloor 0.050 0.749375
Teams Total: 1.370
Teams Factor: 0.438
Teams Scale: 3.429
Importance Factor: 2.500
Field SFM: 5.000
Strength of Field: 5.138
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