Rank Team SFM Value OOM Points
14.  Desjardins/Desjardins 0.320 101.422
26.  Adams/Robichaud 0.250 71.54
33.  Tremblay/Lanoue 0.200 58.498
43.  Bouchard/Charest 0.200 46.05
49.  Waye/Retchless 0.200 40.324
53.  Cheal/Cheal 0.150 36.984
54.  Girard/Morissette 0.150 36.872
107.  Harvey/Simard 0.100 15.79
115.  Cottenoir/Martel 0.100 13.903
124.  Fellmann/Kovalchuk 0.100 11.91
186.  Neron/Ferland 0.100 6.413
231.  Gagnon/Merchant 0.050 3.764
310.  Verreault/Savard 0.050 0.838
334.  Fortin/Fortin 0.050 0
334.  Boivin/Martel 0.050 0
334.  Riley/Mullen 0.050 0
Teams Total: 2.120
Purse Factor: 1.064
Teams Factor: 1.000
Teams Scale: 1.500
Importance Factor: 1.000
Strength of Field: 3.383
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