Rank Team SFM Value OOM Points
104.  Gagne, Francois 0.100 38.0090
179.  Doyon, Ghislain 0.100 19.0425
196.  Lawton, Frederic 0.100 15.5095
214.  Holdaway, Steve 0.050 12.1095
219.  Bellavance, Sylvain 0.050 11.4025
297.  Chouinard, Pascal 0.050 4.9800
359.  Drapeau, Mathieu 0.050 2.7165
377.  Berube, Alex 0.050 2.0375
406.  Hill, Scott 0.050 1.2910
434.  Adam, Jerome 0.050 0.8665
442.  Stewart, John 0.050 0.7855
499.  Deschenes, Pierre 0.050 0.0000
Teams Total: 0.750
Purse Factor: 1.000
Teams Factor: 0.875
Teams Scale: 2.000
Importance Factor: 1.000
Strength of Field: 1.313
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