Rank Team SFM Value OOM Points
2.  Gushue, Brad 0.440 527.2850
11.  Howard, Glenn 0.350 312.7933
33.  Murphy, Jamie 0.200 121.5375
37.  Thompson, Stuart 0.200 108.8068
42.  Hess, Jan 0.200 95.9298
54.  Fournier, Michael 0.150 76.6771
84.  Stevens, Chad 0.150 48.2844
90.  Thompson, Kendal 0.150 40.8041
95.  Fitzner-Leblanc, Ian 0.150 38.5107
104.  Smith, Greg 0.100 35.2935
140.  Jones, Scott 0.100 23.5651
152.  MacKenzie, Doug 0.100 20.9794
156.  Ouellette, Kevin 0.100 19.9396
180.  MacDougall, Brent 0.100 13.9247
199.  Manuel, Matthew 0.100 10.5812
255.  Power, Greg 0.050 5.6406
Teams Total: 2.640
Purse Factor: 1.181
Teams Factor: 1.000
Teams Scale: 1.500
Importance Factor: 1.000
Strength of Field: 4.675
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