Rank Team SFM Value OOM Points
42.  Van Osch, Kesa 0.200 69.048
60.  Gushulak, Diane 0.150 44.462
66.  Brown, Corryn 0.150 40.709
93.  Thompson, Karla 0.150 22.907
94.  Wark, Sarah 0.150 22.484
101.  Richards, Brette 0.100 19.137
105.  Cowan, Shiella 0.100 17.608
112.  Hudyma, Lindsay 0.100 15.058
125.  Gyles, Kayte 0.100 8.972
177.  Shaughnessy, Danielle 0.100 0.000
Teams Total: 1.300
Purse Factor: 1.051
Teams Factor: 0.813
Teams Scale: 2.400
Importance Factor: 1.000
Strength of Field: 2.664
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