Rank Team SFM Value OOM Points
21.  McCormick, Heath 0.250 312.955
27.  Persinger, Greg 0.250 246.443
54.  Birr, Todd 0.150 143.837
68.  Fenson, Pete 0.150 105.227
94.  Nernberger, Kroy 0.150 67.702
141.  Leichter, Alex 0.100 35.353
149.  Dunnam, Scott 0.100 32.360
220.  Connolly, Nicholas 0.050 16.231
238.  Rittenour, Cameron 0.050 14.426
253.  Smith, Tucker 0.050 12.819
Teams Total: 1.300
Purse Factor: 1.000
Teams Factor: 0.813
Teams Scale: 2.400
Importance Factor: 1.900
Strength of Field: 4.817
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