Rank Team SFM Value OOM Points
113.  Stopera, Andrew 0.100 49.111
305.  Connolly, Nicholas 0.050 7.570
323.  Hodek, Timothy 0.050 6.453
332.  Munich, John Paul 0.050 6.000
421.  Moore, Josh 0.050 1.821
538.  Fenson, Riley 0.050 0.327
575.  Clasen, Jack 0.050 0.000
575.  Marquardt, Trevor 0.050 0.000
575.  Tuma, Kevin 0.050 0.000
575.  Wendling, Wesley 0.050 0.000
Teams Total: 0.550
Teams Factor: 0.813
Teams Scale: 2.400
Importance Factor: 1.900
Field SFM: 2.000
Strength of Field: 2.038
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