Rank Team SFM Value OOM Points
10.  Flaxey, Allison 0.360 409.042
18.  Harrison, Jacqueline 0.280 330.451
21.  Tippin, Julie 0.250 311.977
22.  Middaugh, Sherry 0.250 305.835
40.  Cadorin, Chrissy 0.200 160.323
41.  Auld, Cathy 0.200 152.548
49.  Heggestad, Heather 0.200 116.342
53.  Duncan, Hollie 0.150 112.776
60.  Inglis, Danielle 0.150 97.055
87.  Wasylkiw, Katelyn 0.150 55.684
91.  Armstrong, Hailey 0.150 50.065
199.  Marshall, Kirsten 0.100 6.627
Teams Total: 2.440
Purse Factor: 1.000
Teams Factor: 0.875
Teams Scale: 2.000
Importance Factor: 1.000
Strength of Field: 4.270
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