Rank Team SFM Value OOM Points
1.  Homan, Rachel 0.450 911.575
7.  Flaxey, Allison 0.390 502.055
18.  Middaugh, Sherry 0.280 334.705
21.  Harrison, Jacqueline 0.250 314.887
22.  Tippin, Julie 0.250 275.100
51.  Auld, Cathy 0.150 115.433
52.  Balsdon, Megan 0.150 113.951
60.  Heggestad, Heather 0.150 98.810
Teams Total: 2.070
Purse Factor: 1.000
Teams Factor: 0.500
Teams Scale: 3.000
Importance Factor: 1.000
Strength of Field: 3.105
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