Rank Team SFM Value OOM Points
62.  Grattan, James 0.150 84.974
127.  Kennedy, Mike 0.100 32.897
134.  Mallais, Jeremy 0.100 30.025
143.  Roach, Jason 0.100 26.259
165.  Comeau, Rene 0.100 19.850
195.  Odishaw, Terry 0.100 14.401
218.  Tallon, Wayne 0.050 12.136
222.  Perron, Rick 0.050 11.999
Teams Total: 0.750
Teams Factor: 0.500
Teams Scale: 3.000
Importance Factor: 1.000
Field SFM: 1.000
Strength of Field: 1.125
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