Rank Team SFM Value OOM Points
10.  Epping, John 0.360 192.519
22.  Kean, Mark 0.250 84.309
56.  Corner, Peter 0.150 31.471
91.  Retchless, Rob 0.100 14.278
180.  Krell, Richard 0.000 4.700
190.  Shepherd, Michael 0.000 3.925
195.  Beddows, Shannon 0.000 3.660
386.  Coutanche, Dave 0.000 0.000
Teams Total: 0.860
Purse Factor: 0.000
Teams Factor: 0.000
Teams Scale: 0.000
Importance Factor: 0.000
Strength of Field: 0.860
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