Rank Team SFM Value OOM Points
21.  Scott, Kelly 0.250 98.000
61.  MacInnes, Allison 0.100 19.475
103.  Mallett, Marla 0.000 7.860
113.  Knezevic, Patti 0.000 6.250
127.  Kuhn, Roberta 0.000 4.925
156.  Van Osch, Kesa 0.000 2.160
180.  Gibson, Amy 0.000 1.250
197.  Jones, Tracey 0.000 0.750
205.  Wark, Sarah 0.000 0.550
220.  Jensen, Shawna 0.000 0.000
Teams Total: 0.350
Purse Factor: 0.000
Teams Factor: 0.000
Teams Scale: 0.000
Importance Factor: 0.000
Strength of Field: 0.500
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