Rank Team SFM Value OOM Points
25.  Eberle, Chantelle 0.250 56.696
35.  Shumay, Jill 0.200 28.510
77.  Englot, Michelle 0.100 6.950
78.  Paulsen, Trish 0.100 6.790
97.  Selzer, Mandy 0.050 4.525
99.  Just, Sherry 0.050 4.400
101.  Stewart, Ros 0.000 4.300
109.  Vey, Lana 0.000 3.429
130.  Labach, Amanda 0.000 2.125
131.  Streifel, Kristen 0.000 2.125
141.  Schneider, Kim 0.000 1.995
157.  Orsted, Sherrilee 0.000 1.050
167.  Folk, Debbie 0.000 0.750
171.  Martin, Nancy 0.000 0.669
198.  Hanson, Jessica 0.000 0.000
198.  Fernquist, Peggy 0.000 0.000
Teams Total: 0.750
Purse Factor: 0.000
Teams Factor: 0.000
Teams Scale: 0.000
Importance Factor: 0.000
Strength of Field: 0.750
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