Rank Team SFM Value OOM Points
11.  Jaggi, Michele 0.350 174.990
29.  Spencer, Barb 0.250 62.248
36.  Thurston, Jill 0.200 41.023
46.  Harvey, Janet 0.150 27.925
59.  Robertson, Darcy 0.150 19.025
76.  Montford, Michelle 0.100 12.615
80.  Kilgallen, Colleen 0.100 10.475
101.  Cameron, Kate 0.000 7.075
106.  Einarson, Kerri 0.000 6.351
130.  Link, Kim 0.000 3.525
143.  Brown, Joelle 0.000 2.423
146.  Fallis, Karen 0.000 2.338
167.  Birchard, Shannon 0.000 1.663
169.  McCreanor, Deb 0.000 1.650
186.  MacIntosh, Kelly 0.000 0.863
209.  Menard, Lisa 0.000 0.175
Teams Total: 1.300
Purse Factor: 0.000
Teams Factor: 0.000
Teams Scale: 0.000
Importance Factor: 0.000
Strength of Field: 1.300
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