Rank Team SFM Value OOM Points
31.  Eberle, Chantelle 0.200 37.523
45.  Campbell, Jolene 0.150 23.360
61.  Englot, Michelle 0.100 17.963
62.  Paulsen, Trish 0.100 16.849
75.  Ricci, Cindy 0.100 11.355
76.  Barker, Penny 0.100 10.850
100.  Doig, Deanna 0.050 6.735
102.  Selzer, Mandy 0.000 6.450
106.  Lemon, Brooklyn 0.000 6.053
111.  Murray, Larisa 0.000 5.470
157.  Folk, Debbie 0.000 2.180
166.  Lang, Susan 0.000 1.853
198.  Fleming, Shalon 0.000 0.700
210.  Williamson, Alex 0.000 0.375
216.  Anderson, Amanda 0.000 0.000
216.  Russill, Kelsey 0.000 0.000
Teams Total: 0.800
Purse Factor: 0.000
Teams Factor: 0.000
Teams Scale: 0.000
Importance Factor: 0.000
Strength of Field: 0.800
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